Linear bearings made from advanced ceramics
Linear bearings made from ceramic materials have been increasingly proven in many industrial fields, such as
- High precision machinery
- Vacuum technology
- Cleanroom or magnetic field applications
- Medical devices
- Cryotech
- Semiconductor production
The outstanding material properties combined with high precision manufacturing enable new opportunities.
Ceramic linear bearings are operating under low lubrication, or even dry running conditions.
Advanced ceramic linear bearing (ZrO2) TKL-R4400
TKL-R ceramic bearings series
Standardized Linear bearing, containing Rolling elements (rollers or balls). Available in various material combinations. As a standard material, the prism guides, are delivered in Zirconium oxide, the rolling elements are either made from zirconium oxide or silicon nitride, The retainers are made from materials like PEEK, PA or metal.
In accordance with our TKL-R Series, the linear bearings are as well available comprising a full ceramic ball retainer with controlled balls. The retainer´s material is Al2O3.
Available from size 3. Ideal for a usage at temperatures of 250°C and above.
TKL-R Series can replace the most available common metal linear bearings.
The TKL-R Series is also available as hybrid bearing.
The prism guides are made from steel or stainless steel, the rolling elements are advanced ceramics. Hybride linear bearing are often used as a replacement of existing bearings in machinery but are also used increasingly in new machinery:
- Increased lifetime compared to steel bearings (TCO, Total Cost of Ownership), which increases the time period of maintenance and as a consequence reduced downtimes.
- The ceramic rollers do not have a chemical affinity to the steel prism guides. As a result, the breakaway torque is minimized, even after long term downtime.
- Improved emergency operating features under lubrication deficiency conditions.
- cost-effective compared to full ceramic linear bearings
For hybrid linear bearings, only quality-proof prism guides from european manufacturers are used.
Full ceramic linear bearing TKL-R
Hybrid ceramic linear bearing TKL-R
Dimensions of the TKL-R Series
To get an overviewabout the available sizes and dimensions oft he TKL-R Series, please download the product sheet: Dimensions of the TKL-R series.pdf.
To get all required informations about the TKL-R Series, please ask for our brochure:
Ceramic linear bearings
on customer´s demand
We of course as well deliver linear bearings according to Your demands and Your material combination desired. Contact us
Download the dimensional Datasheet oft he TKL-R Series here
Our brochure: Linear Bearings TKL-R series
Download here: