Ceramic suitable Design
In best case, one cares about the special properties of advanced ceramics at the very beginning of a new construction.
To simply substitute metal components by ones made of advanced ceramics, most times will be unrewarding. The special properties of ceramics need to be considered in advance in order to gain the full potential of the material´s advantages. The component, which has to be replaced, has to be fitted constractionally – in particular also in connection to the surrounding construction - to achieve the desired result.
To prepare the use of advanced ceramic components at critical locations in a new construction would be the best way, of course.
Ceramic-suitable design, e.g.: the workload, the surface quality is decisive for the best cost-benefit usage. Considering the various applications, the diverse material properties have to be taken into account.
In our design supporting work for you, we are mainly focusing on single projects or small series.
During the preliminary stages and in cooperation with the customer, we are usually developing a technically proper solution, fitting to the conditions, the component will meet in the application.
This takes into consideration e.g. temperature, surrounding media and dynamic as well as static loads. The choice of material will be tuned to the appliction.